Philippe Attie was born in Seguin, Haiti, in 1986. At the young age of twelve, he began teaching himself how to paint. By the time he was sixteen, he had earned an apprenticeship with renowned master Ralph Allen. He was later mentored by artist Richard Barbot. Under their direction, his passion for painting grew even stronger, and he eventually developed his own style. Attie’s work is defined by the relationship between the realistic figure and the ground of gestural abstraction. He works primarily with acrylics and oil on canvas. His subjects are meticulously depicted in states of contemplation and repose and enveloped by a psychological atmosphere built up by transparent layers of soft color and hints of expressionist forms. His goal is to achieve an intuitive portrayal of the emotions, sensuality, or wisdom of the figure and capture different facets of the human soul. His pictorial work is infused with lightness, both visually and emotionally. The paintings’ intimate scenes create a meditative sense of calm, revealing not just who these people are but who Attie may be as his keen sense of observation hints at the sensitive artist who skillfully handles the brushes.
He has exhibited his realistic paintings in prestigious institutions, including the Haitian Museum of Art in Champs-de-Mars, Haiti, in 2005. His work has also been presented at the European Museum of Modern Art, Barcelona, Spain; Salmagundi Club, New York; Rehs Contemporary Galleries, New York; Le Balcon d’Art, Montréal; and Sotheby’s Auction House in California and New York. Throughout his career, he has received several awards, including the Art Renewal Center’s Rehs Award (2015), honorable mention and Purchase Award (2018), Fashion Week San Diego Award (2019), and the Best Social Commentary (2020).
Philippe Attie lives and works in Hollywood, Florida.