

When you enter Valentina Bilbao’s studio, you fall into a trance, marveled by the colors of her abstract paintings, engulfed by the music that inspires them. While working to the sound of carefully chosen songs, Valentina’s emotions take over. Her hand impregnates the canvases with brilliant colored strokes while the rhythms of different melodies allow her to express ideas, feelings, and sensations.

In some of her works, she favors the use of the spatula to create monochromatic pieces while in others, she applies a dripping technique. The concentric nature of paintings like “Ethereal” (2019) represent the cosmic creation, expansion, birth, and movement. Her most recent series titled “Hallelujah,” inspired by the song written by Leonard Cohen, symbolize the different stages indicated by the lyrics, such as celebration, regret, mourning, and reconciliation.

Valentina’s connection to nature is particularly evident in the use of splashes of greens and blues in paintings such as “Sonder” (2019) and “Luminescence” (2019). Visually, they are magnificent explosions of color full of life and positive energy.

According to the artist, “this series is my pictorial representation of the Hallelujah song, which to me means the realization of something significant in this tangible world. Although its manifestation has more spiritual than worldly implications, it achieves something so vital that it can be part of real happiness. This sentiment is very different from temporary joy. It is pure happiness that is born and lives in one’s soul. It is the ratification and nourishment of the essence itself. ”

Her paintings open our eyes to the good and the positive in our world. As a passionate and engaged artist, her main goal is to have an impact on the younger generations and to provide a positive experience by making a better world.


Valentina Bilbao