Andrés Valerio (Havana, Cuba, 1934-Miami, Florida, 2021) studied at the Academia de Bellas Artes San Alejandro (1958). He joined the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC) in 1969 and was an active participant in the visual arts scene on the island for over two decades. His open opposition to Cuba’s socialist regime made his work stigmatized and marginalized. Valerio went into exile in 1980 and arrived in Miami as part of the Mariel exodus.

Curator Jesús Rosado describes his work as follows: “he fused in his palette and imagination the legacy of schools, trends, and genres from dissimilar territories and times. His career incorporated everything from classical to expressionism, from figuration and hyperrealism to the mists of abstraction. His work is a compendium of exuberance, baroque, exceptional, alternative vision, fusion, and originality.”

His paintings were featured in numerous individual and group exhibitions and belong to worldwide private and institutional collections. Valerio received many awards, including the CINTAS Fellowship for Drawing and Painting (1982).